Technical Foundations of Informatics
September 11, 2019
About the Book
Announcement: Starting in 2019, readings for the INFO 201 course will come from the textbook Programming Skills for Data Science, which is available to UW students for free via SafariBooksOnline or in print. Unless specifically directed to a section of this online text, you should refer to the Programming Skills for Data Science textbook.
This resource will remain online for free access into the future.
About the Book
This book covers the foundation skills necessary to start writing computer programs to work with data using modern and reproducible techniques. It requires no technical background. These materials were developed for the INFO 201: Technical Foundations of Informatics course taught at the University of Washington Information School; however they have been structured to be an online resource for anyone hoping to learn to work with information using programmatic approaches.
This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.